Create/install a DSTAR xReflector using Raspberry Pi

Instructions on how to create a xReflector for Debian 7 and on versions. The following instruction created after reading the original instructions from LX3JL and adding some owned suggestions.


The software packages for Linux are tested on Debian7 (Wheezy) 32 and 64bit or newer. Raspbian Jessie with Pixel works very well in a RPi 2 or 3 (even better)

Installation procedure

Start by the following 

# apt-get update
# apt-get upgrade

Install Git (use sudo infront of all the commands ,if you are not logged in your system as admin)

# apt-get install git git-core

Install webserver with PHP5 support

# apt-get install apache2 php5

Install g++ compiler

 # apt-get install build-essential
 # apt-get install g++-4.7 (skip this step on Debian 8.x) 

Download and compile the XLX sources

# git clone
# cd xlxd/src/
# make
# make clean
# make install

Copy startup script "xlxd" to /etc/init.d

# cp ~/xlxd/scripts/xlxd /etc/init.d/xlxd

Adapt the default startup parameters to your needs

# pico /etc/init.d/xlxd

Last step is to declare the service for automatic startup and shutdown

# update-rc.d xlxd defaults

Start or stop the service with

# service xlxd start
# service xlxd stop

Copy dashboard to /var/www

# cp -r ~/xlxd/dashboard /var/www/db

Give the dashboard read access to the server log file

# chmod +r /var/log/messages 

Reboot server to see if the auto-start is working

# reboot
XLX Server requires the following ports to be forwarded
  • TCP port 80 (http
  • TCP port 8080 (RepNet)
  • UDP port 10001 (json interface XLX Core)
  • UDP port 10002 (XLX interlink)
  • TCP port 22 (ssh)
  • UDP port 30001 (DExtra protocol)
  • UPD port 20001 (DPlus protocol)
  • UDP port 30051 (DCS protocol)
In case of non static ip in your network then follow the next steps:
1) register a free account in the no-ip website
2) create your free domain name
3) procedure for your Linux system
4) check that it updates
3) The procedure for installing no-ip client to your system 
Installing the Client
The below commands should be executed from a terminal window (command prompt) after logging in as the “root” user.  You can become the root user from the command line by entering “sudo su -” followed by the root password on your machine.
Note: If you do not have privileges on the machine you are on, you may add the “sudo” command in front of steps (5 and 6).
  1. cd /usr/local/src
  2. wget
  3. tar xzf noip-duc-linux.tar.gz
  4. cd no-ip-2.1.9
  5. make
  6. make install
If you get “make not found” or “missing gcc” then you do not have the gcc compiler tools on your machine. You will need to install these in order to proceed.
To Configure the Client
As root again (or with sudo) issue the below command:
  • /usr/local/bin/noip2 -C   (dash capital C, this will create the default config file)
You will then be prompted for your username and password for No-IP, as well as which hostnames you wish to update.  Be careful, one of the questions is “Do you wish to update ALL hosts”.  If answered incorrectly this could affect hostnames in your account that are pointing at other locations.
Now that the client is installed and configured, you just need to launch it.  Simply issue this final command to launch the client in the background:
  • /usr/local/bin/noip2
After all these procedures check that it works ok and then go to and register your xReflector after you find 
a free xReflector number from the following list


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